Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Week One, Ancient World, Old Testament

For week one, keep in mind the central question of the class(“What does it mean to be human?”) as you contemplate the following ideas via class discussion, lecture, and video clips.

Themes to think about:
Chaos vs order
Good vs evil
Justice and mercy
Parents and children
Sibling Rivalry
Actions and consequences
Knowledge and power
Potential: what happens when humans underachieve or overreach their potential?

Symbols to think about:
The Garden and/or nature
Water images
Creation, building, making

Also consider:
the shift from oral to written traditions;
the shift from a polytheistic view to a monotheistic view of god;
why faith (whether Christian or otherwise) seems be a vital part of our humanity.

Example of a pictograph

Example of hieroglyphics @ 3300-2990 b.c.

Example of cuneiform @ 3300-2990 B. C.

Example of Hebrew @ 8th - 7th Century, B. C.

adam and eve

Cain and Abel

Noah's Ark

Abraham and Isaac

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